Enrolment options

Have you ever thought about what wine making is?
Wine making is turning a raw material into a finished product, with the involvement of a process, exogenous materials, and the creation of ‘waste’. We bio-refine grapes into wine.
We have learned over time to transform that ‘waste’ into something useful, for the benefit of the environment, and economy. In other words, to increase sustainability. We process marc into grappa, lees into ethanol and organic acids, seeds into oil. We bio-refine most of the initial waste. Some waste remains, though. And we can make energy out of it.
Novel processes come out everyday from the researchers’ work and technology uptake from the industry. And novel ways to improve sustainability and profitability emerge.
This course is about this: knowing that all the winery IS a biorefinery, and learning how to widen its scope, increasing circularity and reducing what is really, ultimately, a waste.
Basic knowledge, consolidated opportunities, emerging opportunities, and rules to make it happen.

Self enrolment (Studente)
Self enrolment (Studente)