Topic outline
Introduction to the course, minimal terminology, exam - modified with only lab-project for student assessment
Raster and Vector models - formats from GDAL library
To pass the course the students must be able to carry out the tasks presented in the following online tutorials. Crossed-out tutorials are not to be considered
In this link you will find an overview of web pages for accessing free GIS data sources
Upload your PDF here - if you do not see any icon for uploading, please contact francesco.pirotti@unipd.it
Due by monday november 18
Please just upload a screenshot (or pdf if you want to be fancy)
Information on what are CRSs and how to deal with them in QGIS avoiding deep depression
Tutorials on where/how download/access geospatial data - updated version 19 November 2019
In this section you can download all datasets used in practical lab work.
Dataset Marmolada mountain goats
10 meter resolution rasters of visible+NIR bands from Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery over the marmolada region (DS_mountain_goats dataset)
Simulation of stem-break over fields of wheat.
Updated 18 Dec. with GLOBCOVER legend table in Excel
This is a multi-band raster containing four bands, red, green, blue and NIR (near infrared).
Links to QGIS, the Open Source software that we will use in lectures and labs
From this link you can access the page where you can download QGIS - Please install, if you want to work on your laptop, version 3.x. - LONG TERM RELEASE
Here you can access online tutorials which you are expected to be familiar with - all sections up to (not including) "Advanced GIS Operations"
Introduction to the course + software + data models and formats
Importing from Text files - saving vector data in different formats and different coordinate reference systems
Importing from Text files - saving vector data in different formats and different coordinate reference systems
Point sampling and finding correlations - NDVI for vegetation assessment
Point sampling - interpolation of points to raster - calculate difference between two rasters
Point sampling - advanced labelling with SQL syntax - interpolation of points to raster - raster pixel to points - why sample? - correlation between variables
How to use online data sources from WEB SERVICES
more on sampling and correlation - Nitrogen pollution in Veneto Region.
It is due by Monday Nov. 18 2019 - please upload in the link Assignment 1 hand-in
It is due in-class on Friday 29th November 2019 - if you cannot attend please complete the assignment at home and
Upload or copy/paste the two required images in the link Assignment 2 (in class assignment 29th November) hand-in