We will create points over the Cotton Yield/EC dataset and simulate water-table depth exactly like in the homework that is due 18th.

  • convert coordinates: LAT/LONG data (EPSG:4326)  to projected CRS (EPSG:32617) download  LECTURE6DATA File and open in QGIS
  • interpolate away variables  10 m resolution raster; for extent we use EC layer for all
    1. EC(deep&shallow column),
    2. Yield (Prod column)
    3. GreenSeeker (RED1 and NIR1 columns)

  • draw a polygon around the Yield points to limit study area - convex hull vs concave hull
  • convert a raster to points
  • Spatial relations (overlap, touches, intersects ...) - select points inside polygon (vector menu ==> research tools ==> select by location)
  • use point sampling tool plugin to sample ALL rasters
  • export to Excel and check correlations - R value
  • draw conclusions over our data



Ultime modifiche: venerdì, 15 novembre 2019, 12:02