Enrolment options

In a world that is increasingly urbanized, people are stressed and disconnected from nature. But "We need nature in our lives”, to improve our psycho-physical health and that of the planet.

A solution is Green Care. Green Care refers to a range of activities that promotes physical, mental and social health and well-being through contact with nature.

In this course, you will take a journey to the fascinating world of Green Care. You will examine the academic theory, and get familiar with practices, opportunities and innovation on the ground. You will understand the emerging trends in Green Care markets and will be guided to identify problems that you feel driven to solve. You will also draft business ideas and solutions by acquiring knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship.

The course is delivered within the Erasmus+ KA project Green4Care by the University of Padova in collaboration with the University of Brasov (Romania) and Dublin (Ireland). Other partners, both public and private, participate in the activities - with webinars, live discussions, videos, and other material. External participants (e.g. entrepreneurs, interested people) are allowed to enroll.
More details are available at: https://www.greenforcare.eu

The course will run online from the 4th of October, 2021 until the 16th of January, 2022 (with a Christmas break). Afterward, there will be the final exam. A final wrap-up online event is scheduled on the 7th of February 2022.
The course consists of Modules that last 1-3 weeks. Lessons are asynchronous. This allows you to have access to the material throughout the duration of each module. There will be some scheduled live spaces for questions and answers. Several exercises are included, some to be conducted individually, others in groups. Check the Educational offer page to see the requirements of the course.

Students are strongly recommended to enroll into the course by the 29th of September 2021, to allow solving technical problems and arranging group activities in due time.
Self enrolment (Studente)
Self enrolment (Studente)