Opzioni di iscrizione

Scheduled program/main Topics (from the Syllabus form)
1) Since modern plant breeding is firmly rooted in the science of genetics, the first part of the course will deal with the genetic control of both qualitative (Mendelian) traits and quantitative traits (QTLs), genetic bases of reproductive systems and barriers (i.e. self-incompatibility, male-sterility and apomixis), and genetic structure of populations (of both self- and cross-pollinated species).
2) The main part of the course will be focused on theoretical aspects and applied methods and schemes for developing synthetic varieties and monogenotypic varieties, including clones, pure lines and heterotic F1 hybrids, making a distinction between selfing and outcrossing species.
3) Finally, genomics applied to marker-assisted selection (MAS) and breeding (MAB) of crop plant species will be also presented, along with methods for the constitution of GM varieties, including Genome Editing and, in general, the New Breeding Techniques, up to the use of genomic tools and molecular markers for DUS testing and for genetic traceability of their food products and derivatives.
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)