Assignment 1
You must create a layout where you show your home city and neighbourhood:
- Load base maps, like Google Satellite, and/or OpenStreetmap
- Digitize the area that you want to show as a polygon
- Style the polygon and add attributes if you want to see labels
- Add other layers if you want
- Create the layout with 4 quadrants, each showing different aspects (e.g. different scale, different background maps, ....)
- Make sure your map has at minimum the following items
- A scale bar
- A scale in text format
- North Arrow
- Grids in longitude and latitude with margins and coordinates
- A front-box with your name and if you want some image that represents you, date etc...
See an example in the pdf here assignment1 example basic
Ultime modifiche: mercoledì, 21 ottobre 2020, 19:37