Importing TEXT files and multi-band rasters. These data are in different CRS (if not already done, read the handout - access geodata File!!)

  • the TIF raster cottonYield_sentinel2_rbgir.tif is in CRS=EPSG:32617 - this file represents data derived from a Sentinel-2 satellite (MSI sensor) with 10 m spatial resolution and 4 bands, blue, green, red and NIR (near infrared)
  • the table data has latitude and longitude columns so it is in CRS=EPSG:4326
    • Cotton Yield Davis1&2.csv
    • SoilEC Davis1&2.csv
    • GreenSeeker Davis1&2 NDVI.xlsx (notice this is in Excel format NOT in text format, so we have to open in MS Excel or other spreadsheet software and export in text format OR select all the table and copy/paste to a text file)

Import data and save data as shapefile in the same CRS as the cottonYield_sentinel2_rbgir.tif  raster (epsg:32617)

Sample the "greenseeker" points using "point sampling tool" and extract data from the four bands  of the satellite rasters in point. Save the resulting point layer as MS Excel format (XLSX).

Open the Excel file and look for correlations by plotting two columns as a point plot - NB correlation does not imply causation (


SUGGESTION: download and install an advanced text editor (e.g. Notepad++ ) for dealing with text files.


Last modified: Saturday, 19 October 2019, 12:37 PM