Opzioni di iscrizione

The course - given in English - aims at introducing to the study of the fascinating and crucially important field of the interactions between terrestrial vegetation and atmosphere or, in a broader sense, between Biosphere and Geosphere. We will examine the major physical factors and processes determining plant life, looking also at the role of vegetation in shaping the local and global environment, underlying the tight relationships between Physics and Life.

The course will give a clear picture of key natural transport processes, focusing on energy and mass (water, carbon...) fluxes. The role of vegetation on global budgets will be clarified, as well as the interactions with climate change.

A strong attention will be given on practical approaches for practical measurement of key environmental variables and processes, transferring to the attendants the technical skill required for deploying and managing advanced monitoring networks.
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)